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New and Second full lenght album by this Slow-Decaying Rotting Death Metal from Romania. Sonic references across "Megalit al Putrefacției" are many -Mortician at half-speed, Cianide at their world-eating best, early Necrophagia´s weird textures, Apparition/Sorrow with a shot of energy, and of course the unholy trifecta of Bolt Thrower, Asphyx and Grave- but Putred manage to integrate their own personality into proceedings, particularly their lyrics, all written and growled in their native tongue, telling short horror-drenched stories about death, horror, the occult and the afterlife. The closing cover of Autopsy´s "Critical Madness" simply underlines that spiritual center. Completed by absolutely perfect cover artwork courtesy of Jan Pysander Whitney, Putred´s "Megalit al Putrefacției" is prime-grade Death Metal for those who want it slower, deeper and harder. |